This short blog post presents code to tidy the Covid-19 case data provided by the Johns Hopkins University at the country level. I wrote the code for an R Tutorial that I am currently drafting for locked down students. I thought that I share the code snippet in case somebody wants to work with country level Covid-19 data, in particular by merging it with additional sources.

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Explore Your Data with ExPanD

Closing down for the year, I finally wrapped up a new ‘ExPanDaR’ version that now allows exploring all sorts of data interactively and generates notebooks containing the analysis on the fly. So here comes my little Christmas present for the wonderful RStats community!

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Online appendices detailing the robustness of empirical analyses are paramount but they never let readers explore all reasonable researcher degrees of freedom. Simonsohn, Simmons and Nelson suggest a ‘specification curve’ that allows readers to eyeball how the main coefficient of interest varies across a wide arrange of specifications. I build on this idea by making it interactive: A shiny-based web app enables readers to explore the robustness of findings in detail along the whole curve.

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Joachim Gassen

Curious researcher, passionate teacher and coding nerd.

Professor of accounting at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
